Physical properties of cigarette smoke

I've been trying to find papers that list various properties of idealized cigarette smoke( ex. the molar mass, gas compressibility factor, density of smoke exiting a cigarette) but I have had very little luck. Does anyone know what these properties are or where I should be able to find them? I'm building a volumetric measurement tool for use in psychological studies in case anyone wonders why I'm looking for this information. I posted this question in chemistry.stackexchange first but I think physics is a better forum for it.

asked Apr 29, 2014 at 14:51 bob0the0mighty bob0the0mighty 139 6 6 bronze badges

$\begingroup$ I imagine it's bit complicated; smoke has a lot of stuff in it, so molar mass is ill-defined. It also has water vapor in it, which condenses to liquid when cooling down to room temperature, which could make compressibility hard to define, and there is a fair amount of solid particulate aerosol matter in it as well. But someone might have a handy reference for what you want. What is a volumetric measurement tool, and how is it being employed in psychological studies? $\endgroup$

Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 15:21

$\begingroup$ @DumpsterDoofus we aim to measure cigarette puff volume in order to standardize reward amount in various addiction studies. I realize this is a very complicated question but I should be able to get good enough results to measure puff volume using a differential pressure sensor and a orifice plate. $\endgroup$

Commented Apr 29, 2014 at 16:22

$\begingroup$ @user31782 I'm not sure about off topic as this is looks like a fluid dynamics question. I did remove the question in chemistry as that wasn't the right place for this question. $\endgroup$